Monday 25 April 2016

25th - Last ride

Once again we were ready for the day’s schedule at 0730. After paying our bills we left our hotel and set on a 7-8 hours’ drive to our last step on our tour before returning to Tana.

The drive took us through some very poor areas of Madagascar; they seemed poorer (simpler?) than other areas I have seen – including mainland Africa – with houses seemingly only being built from some main branches and otherwise straw. It is hot and dry – and this is winter! The locals’ demeanor seems more aggressive (or maybe competitive?), too; at a short break to photograph baobab trees one of the elder mature grey pound women in the group wanted to give the kids some balloons. The moment she pulled her hand with the balloons out of her pocket they were torn out of her hand. She tried keeping the remaining out of reach she seemed to be close to be toppled over. She seemed genuinely frightened. One of the other local boys, I doubt more than 13-16 years, came running over and forcefully pushed and kicked the kids away giving her a chance to get safely back to the bus. It was a very different experience compared to previously where the kids received them with restraint and seemed genuinely happy and appreciated the gifts.

This was the kind of buildings the villages consisted of.

Reaching Toliara on the west coast we had lunch at an amazing Italian restaurant (apparently the only “good” restaurant for miles) before continuing to our resort 1 hour’s drive north in Ifaty. During the break we did some shopping as we won’t be able to buy snacks until we are back in Tana. Some of us might have bought a bit of local rum which made the last part of the drive even more fun. In Ifaty we will spend 3 nights having a free schedule doing what we want, relaxing and whatnot. Tomorrow most of us will go on a walk in the nearby Spiny Forest Reserve and the day after likely snorkeling at the reef. In between? Doing nothing, having a few drinks, spending time at the beach 50 meters away or at the pool. Very stressful!

After having taken out money to cover expenses for the rest of the trip.
You feel rich with 1,1mio ariary in your hand ignoring the horrible exchange rate. 

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