Monday 25 July 2016

25th – Refuge de Nont Borant – Les Chapieux

8+ hours of sleep did wonders after getting barely any a couple of nights ago. Breakfast at 0730 and with everyone packed we were ready to leave around 0800.

Despite our fears regarding the weather from last night we woke up to a clear sky and plenty of sun. Being in a valley we started in a cool shade but after half an hour’s walk up we ended up in the sun, quickly heating up like yesterday.

From there we had a 4-hour ascent to Col du Bonhomme at 2329m, app 900m above our starting point in the morning. We had a break here with a view to go with it. The clouds were spread out but none of them were giving us any issues though the winds when exposed were quite cool. From there we traversed and continued to Col de La Croix du Bonhomme at 2483m where we had a short 5 minutes of descent to Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme to have lunch.

Group photo after lunch.

After this we had a straight descent to Les Chapieux which took us around 2 hours. Coming back down into the valley there was still a breeze but the wind got warmer and it didn’t feel as cold as before.

We arrived at the night’s stay, Auberge de la Nova, at around 1600. Until dinner at 1900 it was time for relaxation and dinner. The weather during the evening was nice and dry which was comforting as the laundry lines here are out in the open.

According to our guide the following is always served for dinner; vegetable soup, pork cheeks, cheese and panna cotta. So there was much surprise and shock when the main course turned out to be rabbit. Apparently more people than expected had stayed for dinner so they ran out of pork and rabbit was next on the list. There were no complaints heard, though, as it was delicious. 

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