Wednesday 27 July 2016

27th – Courmayeur

As this was a rest day we had the day to do what we wanted. A few people went to a spa, others… something… and three of us took a cabin lift up from where we could see the entire town. We found a café and enjoyed a couple of beers and drinks – while staying in the shade as the sun was out in full force – which apparently included chips and a platter of bread, meat and cheese.

The old part of Courmayeur where we stayed.

Coming back down to the town we had a walk through the center and had lunch before returning to the hotel for relaxation.

View of the town from above.

Tonight there is a food festival of sorts in town; 20 euros for a wooden plate and food is free at a number of stalls. Exciting!

No, it didn't feel cheesy at all walking around with a plate around my neck. 
Not at all...
Credit goes to our guide Heather Florence.

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