Saturday 1 October 2011

1st - Arrival

I have now arrived in Quito after 19 hours of transport. Despite being able to cope with the 22 hours to Australia, I was surprised of how much more problematic I felt this was. Probably because I didn't get much sleep before the day of departure, spent most of the day stressing around before leaving and the entertainment system in the plane was pretty much screwed. If you didn't get a black screen when selecting a movie or tv show, you probably just got something else. I was also sitting next to a guy with very long and pointy elbows - my patience is generally pretty short with people who don't try not to constantly poke the neighbour on the plane. On the other hand I had 4 meters of leg room which was awesome! Arriving at Amsterdam I located a self-service transfer machine to see if it was possible to upgrade myself to more room on the long haul (the 40 euros I paid last year when going to Africa for this was a great success), but every time I tried I got an error. I had to pay €70 for the upgrade, but I felt it would be worth it. So I found a help desk, and after the employee had been messing around on several different computers she had managed to give me the seat. And she did not see any reason for me to pay fot that. So I'd say that was probably the best 0 euros I have paid so far...

Now I am sitting in my hotel room (fast stable and free wireless internet!) and recovering from the trip. Had a nice bath and shave which was very much missed. We have a briefing at 1700 (right now it's a little past 1000, we are 7 hours behind DK), but until then it's a matter of relaxing and maybe finding something to eat somewhere. I feel completely smashed and wouldn't like anything better than getting some sleep - but that would probably not be a good idea. Damn time zones and potential jet lag.

Quito from my hotel room

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