Thursday 6 October 2011

6th - Galapagos

Before lunch we did a wet landing on Floreana Island and a deep snorkeling. The wet landing took us up to a lava tunnel which was quite difficult to access due to steep ladders, no light and at some parts a very low ceiling. But when we finally got in we were standing in a cave with 10 meters up and across. Going deeper we were able to take a swim if we wanted before we returned. On the way back to the zodiacs we saw a mailbox used by the whalers; you put in a post card you want sent, and when looking through the cards already there if you find one with a recipient that lives near you you take it with you and hand deliver it when possible. You don’t pay anything to have it sent, but on the other hand you have no idea when it actually shows up.

The deep water snorkeling was the first snorkeling for the new people which resulted in some nervousness for some of them. But everybody got a great experience; we saw a sea turtle and a large group of sea lions where spending time on the rocks and with regular intervals they would come by and take a look at us. Several of them came within 1 meter. They are fantastically elegant when found in the water and very beautiful.

For lunch we had lobster soup and half a lobster tail each.

Lava tunnel

Friday lunch
We did a wet landing where we had a gentle walk where we saw various birds, sea lions on the beach and tortoise nests. We did some snorkeling after that, but there was not much to see.

Tomorrow we are going to Española Island which is quite a bit away. It will require that we sail for 7 hours and being in the open it is going to be interesting…

Why did the sea lion blush? Because seaweed!

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