Saturday 8 October 2011

8th - Galapagos

Yesterday afternoon we did a wet landing on a beach where we were free to take a walk back and forth on the long beach and do some snorkeling. I stayed on the beach, though, as I didn’t fully trust my stomach yet.

Sea lion

Getting back I gradually felt less and less well until the point where at dinner I couldn’t eat a thing – and had difficulties even looking at the food. Took a sea sick pill and went to bed around 2000. Slept all night which gave me more than 10 hours of sleep. That was apparently all I needed, as I have felt fine all day (yet). I have been eating as I usually do, which was pretty lucky as we had pancakes for breakfast.

Today we did a wet landing on Santa Fe Island where we saw a lot of sea lions on the beach, and a couple of land iguanas, some very beautiful yellow ones. Afterwards we did our last snorkeling session on the trip; a deep water snorkeling where we saw a couple of sea lions, some very big sea turtles, and a sting ray. Also saw the usual large amounts of fish.

After lunch we are going to South Plaza where we will have a short dry landing, and then we will have a small relocation until we stop for the day.

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