Friday 7 October 2011

7th - Galapagos

The trip to Española was… not as I had expected. I never get sea sick – until today. The conditions to sail in where quite horrible, so around 0230 I had to let go of my pride and visit the bathroom. Ironically, less than an half an hour later we reached our destination and the anchor was cast. That means that I today has been quite groggy and a little beside myself – and the worst thing is that I was the only that got sick. Several people had taken sea sick pills before hand, but that was only because they tend to get sea sick. Considering we will be having a similar trip tonight I guess I will be loading up with pills before we depart.

We did a dry landing at Punta Suarez where we saw a lot of sea lions, they were literally lying across the path. Later we saw boobies and albatrosses before we came back to the boat.

We have now relocated to Gardener bay where we will be free for 2-3 hours to walk on the beach and snorkel.

Stomach still feels a little unstable…

The sea lions relax whereever they want

Nazca booby

Blue-footed booby

Blue-footed booby with chick


Courting albatrosses

Falcon feeding on a sea lion placenta

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