Wednesday 25 March 2015

25th – Leaving Nairobi

We left the hotel at 0730 sharp and after fighting our way through the slow morning commuter traffic we were on our way at a steady pace to our camp near Masai Mara. At around 1230 I suddenly recognized a school on the right – the school we visited last year when I came to Masai Mara for the first time. Instead of continuing up to Sopa Lodge we instead made a turn to the left, and 5-10 minutes bumpy ride later on an almost non-existing road we arrived at our camp site. 15-20 established tents with each two beds, and we were the only ones there!

We had lunch short after our arrival and at 1600 we went on our first drive in the park. On the 2:30 long (short) drive we managed to see the usual animals (warthogs, impalas, gazelles etc.), but also giraffes, elephants, buffalos and lions. Yes, less than 3 hours of game drive and we are already 3/5.

We also met a couple of other cars parked with the passengers focused on something nearby. Apparently they were looking at/had spotted a cheetah, but no matter how they explained its location were we able to locate it.

Back at camp we had dinner, a quick shower (the shower did have warm water, and even more so as it wasn’t possible to turn down the temperature!) and the generator stopped giving light at around 2100.

Tomorrow we’ll be having breakfast at 0730 before we have a full day of driving in the park until 1600. The other passenger has never been doing a safari before so she is obviously in 7th heaven these days. When coming back the plan seems to be to visit the nearby Maasai village. Something that I’ll probably decline as it is the same I visited last year among others. And honestly; have you seen one you have seen most of them – especially if you are returning to one previously seen.


Thomson's gazelle.


Vulturine guineafowl.

Secretary bird.

First lion sighting.

All lions carry around their own small teddy bears.

Sunset over the Masai Mara.

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