Friday 27 March 2015

27th – Return to Nairobi

Before getting back to Nairobi we had an early drive, leaving camp at around 0700. This night had been quite calm; our first night we could hear hyenas close by and the dogs and the Maasai village going absolutely bonkers as a result.

Nothing special happened on the drive, only noteworthy was that we saw 3 lions eating the remains of what looked like a small cow (Maasais often take their herds inside the park for them to graze – as a result they lose one or two now and then).

We left the park at 1030 and at around 1600 we were back at the hotel and said our goodbyes.

At 1800 we met up with out next guide, Moses, who gave us an overview of how our next couple of days would look like. The group will be bigger than now, but not very. For dinner we went to restaurant Carnivore, a repeated success from last year.

Tomorrow we will depart at 0730 and expect to arrive at the hotel in Arusha at around 1300-1400 for lunch. I will likely be skipping breakfast, dinner was… filling.

With a mane like that he must be using a conditioner.

Buffalo with yellow-billed oxpeckers.

These three lions were found eating the leftovers of what could have been a small cow.

The crunching sounds were fascinating.

Grey flycatcher.

Violet-eared waxbill (or common grenadier).

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