Saturday 28 March 2015

28th – Transfer to Arusha

Skipped breakfast this morning due to last night and at 0730 we were southbound towards the Tanzanian border. Having driven a couple of hours we arrived and after a slow moving queue to get our departure stamps on the Kenyan side we walked across to the Tanzanian side. Here, fir the first time ever, I had to show my vaccination card to confirm that I had had my yellow fever shot before getting my Tanzanian visa which was handled surprisingly fast.

At around 1230 we arrived at the Outlook Lodge in Arusha, our place to stay until leaving for our drives tomorrow. It was the same place as back in 2010 and it brought back memories. Nothing had really changed since then.

We had lunch and shortly after two guys of the remaining 4 of the group also arrived. Getting the share my room (and therefore also tent) now. We had a walk into Arusha but concluded that unless you enjoy being hassled by street vendors and other similar entities who don’t accept no for an answer, Arusha is not a very interesting city. As I said; nothing has really changed since my last visit.

As planned we had our meeting at 1800 where we got to meet everyone, and after dinner we relaxed at the bar and got to see an acrobatics show before crashing. And, if I’m not mistaken, that could also be classified under the “nothing had really changed”-column.

Tomorrow we will be departing at 0745 to visit a village and do a drive in Lake Manyara NP.

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