Tuesday 3 March 2015

A new confirmation

I do not believe that it has gone past anyone’s attention that my trips have been revolving around either wildlife watching or mountain climbing/trekking. Having worked out so well for me until now there is no reason for changing that for now. I have actually for some time now had the new destination relatively high on my wish list, mainly (well, solely) due to the potential for unique wildlife, especially the local primate population.

So next up: Borneo.

If everything goes as intended, I will be meeting up with Elaine with whom I have been travelling together with before in Nepal and Romania.

17th – 18th of July
Flight from Copenhagen, via Singapore, to Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia located in the northern part of Borneo. This part (state) of Malaysia is called Sabah.

19th – 21st of July
Bonus climb! We will be starting out with climbing Mt. Kinabalu, the tallest point between the Himalayas and New Guinea. We will be taking the bus to the base of the mountain before spending the next couple of days ascending and descending. We start at 1866m, the night spent on the mountain is in a hut at around 3272m and the summit is at 4095m. While you should never underestimate a mountain no matter how small, I expect this to be a relaxing climb as opposed to some of my previous endeavours.

22nd – 23rd of July
From Mt. Kinabalu we will be transferred to Kinabatangan River, the longest river in Sabah. The river cuts through the jungle so time will be spent on doing walks along trails and travelling by boat, looking at the varied wildlife. With any luck elephants, wild boars, otters and orangutans can be spotted.

24th of July
From the river we will drive to Sepilok Orangutan Centre where it’s possible to see the famed primate up close. Apart from the orangutans there will be a plethora of other wildlife, too, including macaques.

25th of July
Today we will sail to Selingan Turtle Island Park where we will have free time for to explore, snorkel or just relax throughout the day. As the name implies there is a fairly large population of turtles on the island, and if possible we will see rangers handling hatched baby turtles and maybe even releasing them into the open sea.

26th of July
Transfer back to Kota Kinabalu by flight and spending the remainder of the day on exploring the city.

27th – 28th of July
Going back home, same route as before.

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