Wednesday 26 August 2020

26th – What a beach!

We started a bit earlier today with a pickup at 0830 as we had planned to catch a boat at 1000 from Vestmanna (where my guide also lives) to do a 2-hour tour down along the Vestmanna bird cliffs. 

The boat tour was fine and the weather kept relatively nice with only a slight drizzle at one point. The cliffs were up to 350-400m tall and despite being this late in the season there was still a fair bit activity. A large number of fulmars, gulls of various kinds, gannets, puffins and at least one tern. It was nice being out and the tour felt like it was over way too soon. A seal appeared shortly at some point, and returning to Vestmanna a pod of porpoises announced themselves around the boat. 

Looking towards Vágar on the boat.

The Vestmanna birdcliffs.


After having lunch in Vestmanna (an amazing fish soup- and salad buffet) we went to Kvívík to have a short walk around the Viking ruins in the town, before we continued on to Leynar and Skælingur. Leynar has the best/only sand beach in the Faroe Islands which means that in the summer there are long queues of cars coming to the small town. I can’t imagine the water ever not being cold, but like everywhere else here the views are fantastic. 



The day concluded early as my guide was participating in a festival so I was back at the hotel at around 1530. It was nice ending early for once as I felt I had been completely exhausted with views and impressions from the last couple of days. 

Having the day off early I was weird and went for a run. I managed knocking out a HM running north out of Torshavn, partly following the route from the half- and full marathons. 

Dinner was had at a place called The Tavern near the harbour. I went for the salmon starter and the lamb fillet for the main course. The menu said the fillet would be 300g which sounded quite large coming from a lamb, but it turned out I actually got two fillets. And I am sure the total weight was a fair bit above 300g. You won’t hear me complain. And it was (obviously) delicious and very tender. Despite being more or less full you’re never too full for cheese cake for dessert.

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