Thursday 27 August 2020

27th – Sunny puffins

Once again with a slight late start we headed towards Gjógv via Eiði on the scenic route there, and on the way we passed Slættaratindur, tallest point on the Faroe Islands at 882m. Having circled the summit we pulled over and had a short walk up where we had an amazing view of the sea east of us and Kalsoy. And the conditions for the walk were magnificent with above 15 degrees, light cloud cover and barely any wind. Very non-Faroese. Stunning all around. 

Eiðisvatn (Lake Eiði).

Funningur is hiding down below to the right. In the middle of the photo, in front of the large green rock face at the coast is Elduvík, and in the distance the island Kalsoy.

We continued from there and arrived at Gjógv where we had a quick lunch before going up to a viewpoint just outside of town. Halfway I realized there were plenty of birds, and especially puffins, so I rushed back to the car for the long lens (not expecting anything else I had just brought my landscape camera/lens). My guide was fine with me spending some time on photographing the birds while she just relaxed in the grass enjoying the weather. 



Landing puffin.

Gjógv with surrounding landscape.

A bit later we continued upwards to the “main” viewpoint and my guide noted that the previous times she had been here it had been windy, and once so bad you couldn’t stay. Today there was no wind and plenty of sun. On the way down I got another hour to photograph before returning to the car, had a quick drive through town and pass by the harbour before continuing to Tjørnuvík. 


A town far away from everything but with stunning views the entire way there and back. Regular stops to take photos were obviously mandatory. Tjørnuvík had a nice-looking beach and was just being hit by the last rays of today’s sun before it disappeared behind the mountains (the sun, not the town). 

Returned back to Torshavn where we arrived a bit past 2000. Being late I decided to get something fast which brought me to the Irish Pub. Excellent fish & chips. The hot apple pie was pretty good too, though they had been a bit heavy-handed with the cinnamon.

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