Friday 21 August 2020

Returning north

Due to the pandemic travels are heavily restricted (with good reason) and not being able to go anywhere is starting to get on my nerves. With 8 trips originally planned this year it is starting to feel mighty empty by now, having reached August and only having gone in January. 

A few international destinations have started opening up but making a relatively impulsive decision I wanted something a bit easier to handle and less likely to get cancelled. Cue the Faeroe Islands putting out a PR video reminding us they are part of Denmark and therefore not under same restrictions as most countries. So the decision was almost made for me.

22nd of August
23rd of August
Only a few days after booking the flight on Saturday the 22nd I received a mail notifying me that they had cancelled my flight and instead moved me to the departure the following day. No issues there apart from while originally planned on leaving in the afternoon the departure time was now in the early morning. On arrival in Thorshavn you will be tested for Corona and asked to self-quarantine until you receive the test results (usually sent same evening) so I'm crossing my fingers I'll be able to check in early at the hotel - but considering the low number of tourists I'm thinking that it should be possible.

24th - 28th
I have booked a spot on a small group tour with a local professional photographer who will be bringing us around to see all the "right" places during 5 days. There is no set schedule as the weather forecast will decide where we will be going, but Vestmanna bird cliffs, Saksun, Klakkur, and Klaksvik will be just a few of the destinations we hopefully will be visiting.

29th - 31th
Nothing planned for my last three days so it'll either be relaxing walking around or trying to go somewhere that wasn't covered by the past week. I'll just see how things develop until I fly home on the 31st in the afternoon.

Of course, all these plans will fall through if it turns out I get a positive test result on arrival, but I see no reason for that (then again, you aren't necessarily symptomatic if you're infected, sooo...) so I am not expecting any issues on this trip. Most of all I am just looking forward to seeing the Faeroe Islands again and not least much more of it than what I got the chance to last time I visited. 

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