Monday 25 October 2021

25th – Returning home

As opposed to coming to Valencia the trip home was quite uneventful.

Check-out time at the hotel was 1000 but I managed to get a late check-out time at 1200 so I didn’t have to be in a hurry in the morning. It also meant that when I left the hotel I could take the metro directly to the airport and check in and only have 2 hours until the flight.

The only hiccup was during check-in when my carry-on was weighed and the guy behind the counter pointed out it was too heavy. It took me a moment for it to sink in, but if it was split in two bags and neither weighed more than 8kg I could bring them both on as carry-ons. Total weigh was the same, just split in two. 

So I went through security with two bags (one being my backpack and the other one of the bags from the run stuffed with camera and a jacket) but coming out on the other side I realized it felt very silly and put it all together in one again. And no one stopped me and asked me to split it up. Weird.

Flights home via Zurich went without a hitch, and arriving in Copenhagen 25 minutes ahead of schedule meant that I could catch an earlier train and be home an hour before I had planned to. And that was a pretty neat end to another trip.

Full album from the trip can be seen here.

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