Saturday 9 October 2021

9th – Leiden

I was planning on having a rest day with only a short walk around in Leiden – I chose to stay away from the many museums and just wander around for a bit. The weather had cleared up and it was a good day to have a walk along the canals.

Molen de Valk (The falcon mill) from 1743.

I went by a small Italian place to book a table for tonight before going to Burcht van Leiden, the remains of a tower in the middle of the city. It wasn’t overly tall, but if it hadn’t been surrounded by the many trees you would still have had a great view over the city. Instead you mostly just saw tree tops. 

From there I went to pick up my t-shirt and number for the run tomorrow and made sure I knew the way from the hotel to the starting area. A 10-minute walk between a marathon and hotel is pretty nice.

Go right to go to Garenmarkt, turn left to... go the other direction? Duh! There were several of this sign around the cities, I am not sure if they meant anything but the obvious.

I ended up spending some time walking through the day’s market (there is one every Wednesday and Saturday) that was located along the canals. It was a quite large market and there was a big mix of cheeses, breads, candy, chocolate, fish and other. 

Around mid-afternoon I returned to the hotel and kicked back for the rest of the day before going out for dinner. A delicious dinner, but for some reason my cards didn’t work there so I had to run out and grab some money from a nearby ATM. Whoopsie!

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