Friday 15 October 2021

Satiating my thirst for traveling

Compared to a normal year, these past 1½ years have been a struggle to get through for someone like me who enjoys travelling. So I have lately been keeping a close eye to interesting countries' infection rates and willingness to open up for foreign tourists, hoping that someone would enable a trip to try and satiate my hunger. 

As mentioned previously the US have been dragging their feet and generally acting like a bunch of... somethings... when it came to the pandemic so that was out of the question. South America, Africa and Asia are at best iffy. Europe is currently mostly fine, but I was looking for something a bit further away, something more than "just" an extended weekend. 

And then Canada came to the rescue. They opened up their borders for tourists and even though you have to jump through quite a few hoops to get into the country it looked like a very compelling destination, even for just a short trip. So after talking with a friend and her recommending a specific trip up north, I saw an opportunity for a fun trip and slightly impulsively booked a trip.

9th – 11th of November
Flying out from Copenhagen early at around 0600 and arriving in Winnipeg at around 1800 - but more than 12 hours later (hurray for timezones to add to the confusion). Until the 11th I have been offered a bed at a friend's place in Winnipeg so those two days will be spent on being shown Winnipeg. On the 11th in the evening I'll be meeting with the tour group at a hotel near the airport.

Early morning we board a chartered plane that will take us up north to Churchill. We'll start off with a city tour and having a look around before the afternoon where we will relocate to a lodge located at Polar Bear Point in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area.

13th – 15th
As we are located in the middle of nature there will be wildlife roaming right outside our windows (potentially, at least). All the time will be spent on driving out and doing wildlife watching, with a focus on polar bears. During the nights there is a chance for seeing northern lights. In the evening on the 15th we have returned to Churchill and spending the night there.

16th – 18th
Dogsledding in the morning before having a bit of time off before flying back to Winnipeg. Spending the last night at the airport hotel before saying goodbye in the morning and grabbing my flight home at noon, coming home on the 18th.

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