Saturday 13 July 2013

13th - Arriving in South Africa

After a long but eventless flight to Johannesburg via Frankfurt (A380 from Frankfurt!) I was picked up as agreed and taken to the first night's lodge. We didn't take the direct route, though, as the driver hadn't gone to that specific place before. But after som driving around we finally made it.

I arrived at around 1030, so there wasn't a room ready for me yet. I should have then have gone out and been cultural,  but due to almost no sleep on the plane I ended up hanging around, talking with people returning from their trip, trying to find someone who was in the same group as me, and generally as little as possible.

Tomorrow there will be breakfast at 0630 after which we will leave, go north and get to Khama Rhino Sanctuary before we stop for the day. This will result in probably the longest drive on the trip.

I must admit that the conditions here surprised me a little when arriving. When arriving in Tanzania there were almost only badly paved roads and very dusty ones, and people drove like crazy. Here the conditions are very good with nicely paved broad roads and people are generally much nicer behind the wheel. A pleasant surprise, but I'm sure that will change when we put some distance between us and the big cities.

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