Sunday 28 July 2013

27th - 28th - Horror and return

As my flight departed in the evening I still had a day available to do something before leaving, and as I was not the only one we ending up being a small group wanting to go to the Apartheid Museum. We were told it shouldn’t take the driver more than half an hour to get there, but unfortunately it took him double that. This included going too far on the highway which resulted in him reversing (!) to get back onto the off-ramp. Yeah, we felt very safe.

Arriving at the museum we only had a couple of hours due to some of ours departures, so we ended up rushing through. We could easily have spent 4 hours there without feeling we were wasting our time. The museum was very interesting, but it was – naturally – very uncomfortable to read and study some of the things. It is highly recommended – but I would suggest to not do it as the last thing when in the country because you would want something a little more bright and optimistic to conclude your visit with.

We wanted to take a quick drive through Soweto before returning to the lodge, but we hadn’t gotten the company’s best driver. 20 minutes after leaving the museum we came past it again, and it wasn’t until all of us pointed it out to him that we were back where we started that he actually realized why we were yelling at him.

We changed our minds and asked to go straight back to the lodge. At least that only took half an hour this time.

We were told to have plenty of time to check in and get through customs and security. The fact was, though, that it took 10 minutes to drive to the airport, and less than half an hour after leaving the lodge we had gotten through all the steps and were now facing quite a few hours to walk around in the departure areas.

Oh, well – rather that than stressing and being late.

Flew home the same way I came, and Sunday morning I arrived safely back in Copenhagen, concluding another successful vacation.

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