Wednesday 17 July 2013

17th - Back on the mainland

Despite our alternative camp morning routine was the usual business; pack bags and tents, breakfast, pack foodstuffs. Then we had it all loaded onto the canoes – luckily we were back to the original stable canoe again – and we were off to get past the buffalo fence to change to the motorized boats. The change was made without issues and on the ride back to the truck we saw more birds and crocodiles. After the usual 1½ hours we were back, the truck was quickly packed and we were off again going north.

This drive wasn’t as long as the first ones, though, so before 1500 we had arrived at our new site and set up camp. This gave us some time to ourselves where we had the chance to utilize the pool at the site or just generally hang out and relax. Jaco, crazy as usual, climbed the tallest baobab tree and had a couple from the group join him. None of them got as high up as he did, but seeing him climb and jump around in the tree it was obvious he had been doing this most of his life.

The rest of the evening was calm. That is – until Jaco took out his whip and started playing around with it. Showing some impressive skill it didn’t take long until Callum – one of the group members – got up with a twig in his mouth and asked to have it whipped out. Afterwards he admitted it was one of the scariest things he had ever done. In any case it was a source of great entertainment.

Fish eagle.

Saddle-billed stork.


See that small speck in the top of the tree? That's Jaco.

Callum (left) getting increasingly nervous the closer Jaco gets with his whip.

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