Monday 15 July 2013

15th - Arriving at the Okavango Delta

Getting up early we left the camp at 0600. That was the plan, at least. We were getting increasingly worried that our driver was not able to start the bus due to the cold temperatures during the night. Luckily after the n’th attempt the truck came to life and we were off, only half an hour late.

We followed in the footsteps of the day before and started out with a 6 hour drive. We finally reached Maun where we had time for shopping (if needed), bathroom break (oh God that was needed!) and lunch.

We were then split into groups and those who wanted went on an hour’s flight over the Delta. My group ended up in a small 5-passenger plane so there was no room for the 50-500mm lens. But as we were flying as low as 100-130m the long zoom wasn’t really missed at any time. We ended up seeing quite a few elephants, buffalos and antelopes, and also a few hippos and giraffes.

Arriving back at the airport we waited for the rest to return after which we drove to our new campsite, only 10-ish minutes from the airport.

Tomorrow we will pack for a daytrip into the Delta where we will stay the night without contact with the outside world. It will be great; I just need to figure out how to transport boots/sleeping bag the easiest way considering there is no room in my camera bag for it. My transport bag for my back pack will probably have to do.

The inside of the truck.

The Delta from above.

Yup - small plane.


And the pilot liked flying low...

More elephants!

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