Sunday 21 July 2013

21st - Onwards!

The first day of the second part of the trip was spent driving. Another long day of 9 hours was required to get us to the next camp site, so no time was wasted in the morning. All and everything got packed, a few previous group members showed up to say goodbye and off we were heading for the Zambia/Zimbabwean border.

The border took slightly longer than the previous crossings, but compared to what one could expect from the crossing it went very, very smooth. So lucky us!

In the afternoon we reached our destination where we are going to stay for two nights. Tomorrow we will be going on a game drive the entire day and mixing in a couple of walks trying to get close to the park’s rhinos and hippos. Hopefully the leopards will also make an appearance, but not too close.

If anyone wasn't aware; the moon.

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