Sunday 14 July 2013

14th - Departure

We left the lodge early in the morning – 0700 – to start the longest drive of the trip.

Not much happened on the drive, we had a pit stop where we could buy supplies (snacks) but nothing else before reaching the border out of South Africa at 1300-ish. After maybe half an hour we had all had our passports stamped and a few minutes’ drive later we arrived to the Botswana border. Here the process was identical, with the only difference that the stamp proved that we were allowed into the country.

After a quick pack lunch we continued on and at around 1630 we arrived at Khama Rhino Sanctuary and our campsite. Camp was set, food was made, fire was made and at around 2000 people were surprised it wasn’t later than it was as we began feeling ready going to sleep.

My tent mate is another Dane in the group, Tobias, from Århus.

Tomorrow we will be departing at app. 0530-0600-ish to make it to Maun not too late with a 6 hour drive. Here we will be able to get a flight over the Okavango Delta before entering it by canoe the following day, and otherwise just relax and set camp when we all are gathered again.

The truck. Jaco is seen bent over getting ready for cooking dinner.

The camp site.

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