Friday 10 September 2010

10th - And there was light...

... no, there wasn't. Not yet, anyway. It's only a little past 0500 here at CPH and as we are in the middle of September, it's pretty dark outside.

The first day (night, morning) of my new trip. This is going to be great. At least it can only get better:

The plan was that my parents would pick me up at the airport as they are also leaving for a vacation (they are going with an orchestra in which they play) on Corfu (and their plane is leaving 20 minutes before mine (0625 and 0645)), and they were to pick me up at around 0315-0330. I had set my alarmclock to 0200, which gave me less than 2 hours sleep, as I have been stressing all day yesterday with packing, unpacking and packing again to make sure I had everything and getting nervous about the bulk and weight of my luggage. So the plan was that after I woke up I'd get the last small details sorted before my parents arrived, which meant that I had let some of my stuff be spread out in my living room before going to bed.

Everything went as planned; the alarm rang at 0200, I snoozed it, and... Well... The next thing I registered was my parents calling at 0308 saying they were 2 minutes away.


I bolted out of bed, a quick visit to the bathroom, grabbed (hopefully) all the toiletries on my way back to the living room and forced it down in the bag. While getting dressed I then took almost everything in my living room not bolted to the floor and tossed it into the bag, closed it and rushed down to the car. Well - rush and rush; it's limited how much a b-person can rush at shit o'clock in the morning with 24+ kg luggage.

But to be honest I actually think that departure was the best - I didn't have time to once again second-guess the luggage and getting stressed over the luggauge-issue again, so as far as I haven't forgotten anything important I think I'll do fine - despite it all. I do have my passport and money, the two really necessary things on a trip, so I think I'll manage.

I just hope that I have turned off the iron and fed the cat. I don't have an iron and I don't have a cat, but I'll be depressedf if I return to my apartment in three weeks and find a dead cat on the floor.

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