Saturday 11 September 2010

11th - Night of arrival

There isn’t much to say after leaving Denmark and arriving at Kilimanjaro airport. Arriving in Amsterdam I chose to upgrade my ticket to be able to sit at the emergency exit, which gave me 2 meters leg room. 30 euro was worth it, no doubt. A long flight of app. 10 hours, but I shouldn’t be complaining after having completed a trip to Australia (without the extra leg room). I arrived at 2030, and after queuing for some time in immigration I could go in and directly pick up my bag that was just lying there waiting for me. That must be the first time that the luggage arrives before me when arriving an airport – but that probably says more of the small size of the airport than anything else.

When going through customs I entered into a forest of signs with travel agencies and tourists’ names. I quickly found mine, and apparently there were quite a lot of people who knew exactly who I was, whereas I had no idea of what was going on around me – being groggy from the trip didn’t make it any easier.

The trip to the hotel was pretty eventless except from the fact that everyone apparently has an addiction to using the long lights and trying to see how far down the speeder could go.
The hotel – Springlands Hotel – is a pretty large facility with rooms spread out in several buildings. I have taken a walk around on the premises (it’s limited how much walking around can be done, as the entire areas is fenced in) and it seems nice, despite its pretty worn state. Not much else to do tonight, and considering breakfast is served early it looks as if I’m going to bed early. I really need it too; not much sleep on the plane, and after my stunt at home where the presence of decent sleep was close to non-existent my body is craving for rest.

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