Sunday 12 September 2010

12th - Kili day 1

Machame Gate (1800 m) – Machame Camp (3000 m)

My group members cancelled their trip, so as I now was alone I was moved over into a group with two Welch nurses; Carys and Glenna.

For practical reasons we were combined with a group with 5 Belgians the first day of the trek.

The walk went well, but I hope my deep breaths were due to the strenuous walk and not from the gradually thinner air. If the air already is affecting me, I will have serious problems later on. We walked for app. 6 hours and during that time we ascended app. 1200 meters. The steepness was indeed to be felt when walking. And obviously we are completely ignoring the general recommendation to not ascend more than 500 meters a day due to an optimal acclimatization.

We arrived at the camp which basically just was bare spots in the vegetation spread out making room for setting up tents. And have no doubt; Kili is a huge turist magnet, so there are a lot of tents.

The three of us where separated into two tents – the two nurses for themselves. I tried protesting against this but to no avail. Pff.

A small tall tent was set up for us – our mess tent. Having room for a table and three small chairs we will have our breakfasts and dinners here. Considering the conditions it works well.

Despite going through a rain forest the entire day we didn’t get a drop of rain. But now – around 2100 – it’s getting really cold, and it’s not gionf to get any warmer until tomorrow. And it’s almost certain that we will be getting rain (and lots of it!) at least one of the next couple of days.

My new sleeping bag is living up to expectations, though, as I am almost completely undressed and I don’t have any problems keeping warm – on the contrary.

We are getting up at 0700 tomorrow morning for a short walk (app. 4 hours) with a 700 meter climb. I have yet to feel any effects by the altitude, but you never know when something might happen…

We have our own waiter. His name is Nicolas (or just Nico)!

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