Tuesday 28 September 2010

28th - On a final note

All photos (and more) have been uploaded to my facebook account.

I would like to thank the two lovely Welch nurses that I climbed Kilimanjaro with, Glenna and Carys, for their great company and positive attitude. No matter what bad jokes I might have told, I agree with you; age is just a number on the birth certificate (technically it’s only your birth date that is written there, but you get the point). You are only as old as you feel – not a single year more. Also thanks to our Kili guide Temba, our guide assistant, our waiter Nico and our cook and porters. Without you we couldn’t have done it.

Thank you to Glenna, Carys, Brian (yours was indeed bigger than mine), Heather, Craig, Mark, Marty, Mari, Wally, Sara (our car’s great Swedish animal spotter), Paula, Kathryn and Francis for being the great group you were during the safari. It wouldn’t have been the same without you. And because everyone came directly from climbing Kili on different routes we could share some great stories during the evenings. Thanks to Phil, our excellent guide. Thanks to Mr. T and Emile, our two drivers and backup guides when Phil was in the other car. Thank you to our cooks and logistics people on the team, making sure everything was set and ready when we returned from another dusty dry day on the savannah.

Thanks to our driver Charlie getting us to and back from the gorilla trek. You showed off some crazy amazing driving skills in the 4WD Toyota Hiace. Thanks to our guide, trackers and rangers who expertly led us to the gorillas so fast and giving Marty, I and 6 What’stheirnames a very successful trek.

I hope I’ll meet you all again on another trip.

And don’t worry; I’ll stop the thanking now – it’s beginning to sound like an Oscar speech. Getting too much of the touchy-feely stuff.

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