Friday 17 September 2010

17th - Kili day 6

As I didn't have time and energy to write any notes this day this post wil be done by memory.

Mweka Camp (3100 m) – Mweka Gate (1980 m)

Today we got up early and left camp at already 0730. This was to get to the gate early before everyone else to avoid too much queuing. We have never walked this fast on the entire trek, and 2 hours later we had arrived at the gate, after almost running through a rain forest like the one on the first day. When we arrived at the gate we agreed that busses never have been so beautiful.

We signed out at left for the hotel. After settling the tip for the “our” employees and getting our certificates, we were done. We promptly celebrated with a couple of drinks at the bar, a lunch, and then a well-deserved and –needed shower. After settling down and getting things in order, we returned to the bar and had dinner when the restaurant opened. After which we made sure the bar still was where we left it.

That night was a good night.

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