Saturday 3 November 2012

3rd - Dingboche

As when spending time in Namche Bazaar we had an extra day here for acclimatization. This was very well timed as the place we are staying at is really nice; food is better than expected (especially considering the location and circumstances), and the rooms are clean and tidy. Only problem is the insulation – or rather the lack of it. But this has been the case at all the places and will hardly change until we get back to Kathmandu.

The morning was spend on a short walk bringing us up to 4700 meters where we could see, among others, Cho Oyu (8201m), Lhotse (8516m) and Makalu (8481m).

Back for lunch and the afternoon was spent on relaxing and getting a nice hot shower (which apparently, according to the Swedish girl, made me smell good so I must have done something right).

They have great breakfast pancakes at the places we have stayed at on the trek; radius might not be impressive but thickness has been amazing. Best one yet is here; I am not exaggerating when I say it was at least an inch thick. I am pretty sure I know what I am having for breakfast tomorrow.

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