Tuesday 6 November 2012

6th - Gorakshep (5164m) – Kala Patthar (5545m) – Gorakshep – Pheriche (4371m)

This was the first day on the way back to Kathmandu. Before departing, though, there was the small matter of Kala Patthar, a small summit which gives a 360 degree view of the surrounding mountains. And to get the best view experience you should be at the top at sunrise. This meant that we had to leave the lodge at 0430 and ascending almost 400 meters before the sun came up from behind Everest. I arrived after a strenuous 2:15 walk and despite the climb at times was very tough the view from the top made it all worth it. It was voluntary if one wanted to go; we ended up going 7 people, all of us made it – some of us not as fast as others.

Back at the lodge at 0815-ish we quickly packed and had breakfast before leaving. The walk back took us almost a kilometer down, and despite some parts still going up it was a nice change of pace to finally be going down in a more consistent manner than before.

We had lunch at Lobuche, and afterwards we continued downwards until we ended up at Pheriche, located below Dingboche in a valley. On the way up we had passed Pheriche when leaving Dingboche, walking along the ridge looking down at the building in which we were now staying.

The view from Kala Patthar; Everest and Nupse can be easily seen.

Resting with a view!

The valley where we were spending the night.

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