Friday 9 November 2012

9th - Phakding (2610) – Lukla (2860m)

I was struck by ambivalence this morning; while it will be good to get back home to normal conditions again (working toilets!) I will really miss the Himalayas and the magnificent views – despite the at times horrid toilet conditions (though one would rightfully argue that it’s all part of the experience). I could just sit down the entire day and take in the views.

There was another smaller group at the lodge this morning. One of the girls refused to use the toilets because she could see leftovers from the previous occupant. We are talking about these amazing toilets they have here and how well they work. Afterwards she came back down and put on lipstick. We didn’t give her many chances in completing the EBC trek. If she only knew what she will be facing the next couple of days…

We walked about 3-4 hours, ascending 150 meters before arriving in Lukla, our final stop in the trip before going back to Kathmandu. After lunch we had the rest of the day off – which almost was a curse as there is absolutely nothing to do in Lukla unless you are looking for copies of The North Face and Mammut or a café to have a drink at.

Arrived back in Lukla.

Yeah, Starbucks in Lukla. Fake. I was told it wasn't bad at all, but it was still fake.

One of the more sober shots from the party. Good times!

The shots of doom.

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