Monday 5 November 2012

5th - Lobuche (4940m) – Gorakshep (5164m) – EBC (5364m)

We left Lobuche early at 0700 and began the walk towards Gorakshep. The walk was relatively eventless and 3,5 hours later we arrived at our destination.

This was the place we were to spend the night, but the day was far from over. After an early lunch we departed to Everest Base Camp. EBC was not much higher than our lodge, but the path consisted of several steep ups and downs making it much harder than the walk initially sounded. Also add a nice wind cold wind, and what you had was a quite hard, but also rewarding, walk.

Arriving at BC we spent time on taking all the necessary photos at the banner that had been set up there, and having done this we returned to Gorakshep. During the walk back the sun began setting, putting several parts of the walk in the shade. Fortunately the winds had quieted down, so even though it did get colder, it was limited how much colder it actually got.

The landscape was amazing, very moonlike and vast; you’d almost get dizzy trying to think about how small you are in comparison.

The even have road signs up there!

Everest is up in the far right corner. The small orange speck to the left of the ice fall (the glacier that's left below the moutains) is EBC.

Zoomed in on EBC.

Reached EBC!

Group photo.

Quite a few of these very pink birds were hopping around at base camp.

Walking along the ridge of the moraine made by the previous location of the glacier reaching much further down than now from the present location of EBC.

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