Saturday 10 November 2012

10th - Lukla (2860m) – Kathmandu

Oh God.

Let me elaborate a little.

Oh God I had absolutely way too much to drink at the goodbye-party last night. Damn you Nepali prices that are so much lower than the Danish.

Arriving in the dining hall at the lodge I was confronted by the last night’s bartender saying I owed money for drinks and pringles – I apparently didn’t have any more cash available at one point and as they didn’t do plastic cards we agreed that I could pay the following morning before departure. People were very happy for the pringles and Tashi was very happy with sharing shots of whisky with me. I am glad they enjoyed it because I have no memory what so ever of it!

The weather wasn’t optimal so the planes were delayed from Kathmandu which meant we had time for breakfast. Finally we were ordered to the airport (which was a 5 minute walk), and soon we were literally rolling down the runway towards the end of our trip.

The rest of the day was spent on walking around the area where the hotel was located, looking at numerous shops, having lunch and generally enjoying our downtime until evening when we gathered for dinner.

At this point not all of us would meet again afterwards due to different plans tomorrow so some goodbyes were done. A couple of us went out to have a couple of drinks (this time in an orderly fashion!) but it is clear that we will all be split up after this.

I will be meeting 3 others tomorrow morning to do some sightseeing, and in the evening we are 4 who will travel together to the airport to go home.

Soon this vacation will be over, and once again I will start planning my next trip. And getting back to work, of course.

Oh God!

Going back we were in an even smaller plane than last time!

Kathmandu at night.

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