Thursday 8 November 2012

8th - Kyangjuma (3510m) – Phakding (2610)

When waking up the night hadn’t seemed colder than the previous, on the contrary. But to our surprise the curtains were frozen to the window glass…

After the breakfast we were on our way. The original plan was to stop in Chumoa, but to make our last day’s walk shorter it was decided to walk an extra hour and end up in Phakding at the same lodge which we spent our first night.

The day was relatively eventless; we stopped in Namche Bazaar for an hour after an hour’s walk where people could have a walk-around and relax. Lunch was had at the same place as the second day when going up, and app. 3 hours later we arrived in Phakding.

The plan is that later in the evening we are going to watch “Into thin air”, a movie based on a book by the same title by a climber involved in the 1996-disaster on Everest.

Ah, the views.

Some of the bridges didn't feel quite stable, but filling it completely with heavily loaded yaks proves there are more durable than they look and feel!

Whoa! We found water on Mars!

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