Friday 2 November 2012

2nd - Tengboche (3867m) – Dingboche (4530m)

Waking up we had a beautiful clear view (after wiping the condensation off the windows) of Everest and Lhotse. How many can say they have woken up to that kind of view?

We began the day with visiting the oldest monastery of the Sherpa Buddhists, where we had 15 minutes of serene peace before breakfast where we could watch the monks chant.

After breakfast we headed upwards towards our next lodge. This was located app. 400 meters above our original position, but most of the ascent was on the second half of the walk. Personally I was a little surprised; I had expected a horrible steep ascent, but while keeping pace with the fast group and feeling good about it we were informed that we were less than 10 from our destination. I must be better at this walking-thing than I thought.

They have real toilets here! Amazing how one’s priorities change during a trek like this.

I am walking around in one layer; pants and light t-shirt. I can feel the cold wind against me, but as long as I keep moving or stay in the sun it isn’t an issue. The group thinks I’m weird. I think they are weird; I am the only one dressed like this, the rest are wearing 3-4 layers. I have no idea how they are not cooking, just like they have no idea how I am not freezing. Oh, well – it means I still have more layers to go which means I (theoretically) have a better chance of handling the colder weather when we reach the higher parts of the trek.

The monastery in the morning.

Wow! A Danish bakery café. Wait, what?

Going past the tree line there is only one thing to fire with; yak dung. Here's a large portion laid out to dry (the round disks).

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