Wednesday 7 November 2012

7th - Pheriche (4371m) – Kyangjuma (3510m)

Basically there is not much to say about today; going back towards Lukla brought us along the same path which we followed going up.

Right after lunch we came through Tengboche. This was the first time on the trek where we actually encountered clouds on our trek; during the afternoon the clouds started gathering and some of them looked quite dark, but luckily we never ended up getting any rain. Our guesthouse was located on a mountain/hill side overlooking a deep valley, but due to the clouds any view we might have had was completely obfuscated.

Oh, and via Tashi’s (our guide) smartphone we found out that Obama won the election. Everybody took this as good news, especially our 3 Americans in the group. One of them even said that she now wouldn’t mind going back home after the trip.

Power just got cut. Doesn’t matter much, though, as we all have headlamps or similar. OCD as I am about knowing exactly where all my stuff is packed finding mine wasn’t a problem. Others… well, it was easy to hear people getting frustrated through the thin walls. Cooking with gas is a great advantage in these situations – we will still be fed regardless!

Power came back after 10 minutes. During the power outage the kitchen crew would be using candle lights to light up the kitchen.

Sometimes it was worth remembering to look back when walking.

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