Sunday 4 November 2012

4th - Dingboche (4530m) – Lobuche (4940m)

We started gently with a small 200-meter ascent which was spread out until lunch. There was nothing on this path with regards to shops and other buildings, only other tourists, guides, porters and yaks. It felt nice and felt like we finally were out in the middle of nowhere among the world’s highest mountains. The place we had lunch was a large lodge/restaurant, and because it was the only place of its kind for miles there was quite a lot going on. Despite being busy the entire group of 15 had received their food within less than 5 minutes after ordering. The kitchen didn’t even look that big – many restaurants could learn one thing or another!

The afternoon we had a steep ascent before the path evened out – 1 hour per part. People are beginning to get headaches, even I had it at one point but plenty of water solved the issue. The ascent was quite hard to get by, but finally we reached the top, a memorial for people dying on the mountains.

When arriving at our destination we had an hour’s rest before we did a 1 hour acclimatization hike that brought us above 5000 meters. This will hopefully make the next couple of days a little easier.

Just keep walking...

The memorial.

Reaching the top during the acclimatization walk.

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