Tuesday 16 April 2019

16th – Being crossed

Sleeping in in the morning I started the day slowly and had breakfast before venturing out to have a look at the city. I ended up zig-zagging through old town before ending up back at the Gediminas Castle Tower where I was last night. But as opposed to last night now the tower had been opened so you could enter and reach the roof where a complete panoramic view of the city could be experienced. The tower was also contained a museum showing the history of the city and the fortification of the hill. It was interesting but fairly unremarkable. 

The view from the Gediminas Castle Tower.

The Three Crosses seen from Gediminas Castle Tower.

From there I descended and crossed the Vilnia river and went up to the Three Crosses Hill, a memorial hill with three tall crosses, a memorial for crucified and beheaded Franciscan monks. The crosses were put up since the 17th century. As they at the time were made from wood they were regularly replaced when rotting until 1916 they put up a concrete monument to replace them. In 1950 it was destroyed by Soviet order, and in 1989 the current crosses were erected. From there I descended and followed the river for a bit before crossing over and coming back into the old town. From there I went straight west, reached and crossed the Neris river and reached the Orthodox church there before turning around and going back. I continued the random walk around town before ending back at the hotel around 1700 for a break before dinner.

View from the Three Crosses.

Walking along the Vilnia river.

An hour or so later I went out for dinner and located a highly recommended Italian restaurant. Delicious seafood risotto, beef stew and tiramisu with white, red and dessert wine, and finishing with a generous glass of 18-year-old grappa on the house together with the bill. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t buzzing a bit when leaving.

When I left I took a short walk to the river where I could see over to the new part of the city before circling around and concluding the day at the hotel once again around 2200.

Looking down along the Neris river and seeing the new part of the city on the other side.

Vilnius Cathedral.

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