Thursday 18 April 2019

18th – Going home

I had nothing planned other than having lunch before going to the airport so I took my time when waking up. I skipped breakfast and trying to find a place with decent reviews that served local food I found a place near the river. So I checked out, left the hotel and wandered through the old town to see if I had missed anything the previous days (which wasn’t the case) and arrived at the restaurant. Or rather – where it had been. It had been closed.

Trying to find a similar alternative I found one near the station so I trotted one last time through the old town and luckily found this new place easily. A nice lunch later I was glad I was a short walk from the station as a late dessert gave me less than 15 minutes to catch my train.

It never got stressful, though, as it was easy getting to the station and finding the train, and after a 7-minutes train ride I reached the airport and 10 minutes later I had gotten through security. Apart from not having access to the lounges the flight home went without hiccups.

The airport terminal building.

And that was another location visited. Before I go on these city visits for a few days I usually google what to do on a 2-day trip. There are always two groups: “2 days are enough to experience the city and you should do/see this, this and this”, and “WHAT?! 2 days? That’s not nearly enough! You need more time!”. This was also the case for Vilnius, and all I want to say to the latter group is “What are you smoking?”. I was glad I visited and the old part of town was nice. But other than spending a few days there, there is absolutely nothing to do. 2 nights would probably have been enough, but having the third night makes sure you don’t feel you are missing anything. Any longer and you should definitely look into visiting other parts of the country.

So, in short; I’m glad I went, but it won’t be a place I’d recommend over many other European cities.

Full album can be found here.

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