Wednesday 17 April 2019

17th – Back to uni

After another late relaxing morning I left the hotel and decided to have a walk circling around the old part of the city. I passed by the train station and went around west of the centre, but after an hour or so of walking I changed my mind and returned to the old part as there wasn’t really anything interesting to look at.

I continued and toured the university’s 13 courtyards it had been built up around. The university was founded in the 1500s around a single courtyard, and throughout the years every expansion resulted in new buildings and a new courtyard. It was quite nice walking around having a look at it all and the various building styles, but having 20.000 students here must be very crowded. Unfortunately the bell tower wasn’t open outside of the tourist season starting in May.

M. K. Sarbievijus courtyard.

Grand Courtyard with St. John’s Church to the right.

Lights inside St. John's Church.

Form there I continued east where I ended up along a wall where they had the Lithuanian constitution mounted in multiple languages, including the Scandinavian ones, and it was perfect timing for a break as just down the road there was a small Italian restaurant that served probably one of the best pizzas I have ever had.

The constitution in various languages.

From there a random walk about before returning to the hotel for a break before dinner.

Inside an orthodox church.

A few hours later I went out again for a bit of wandering before ending up at a restaurant where I had delicious local food. It took a while to find the place, and while part of the reason for that was that I didn’t take the necessary turns when needed, it was a bit embarrassing realizing that when leaving it took less than 15 minutes to get back to the hotel.

Seen at the modern art museum. Apparently a model of King Kong's hands are considered art. 

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