Tuesday 2 April 2019

Going back north - but not so far

I have for a while wanted to go to the Faroe Islands, mostly because it looks like a beautiful place but also due to it being a great location for birding. Of course, the weather is... variable. "There is a lot of it", as a Faroese friend says. So that will be an interesting aspect of the trip.

It will just be a short trip this time - and extended weekend over the Ascension Day holiday. But a short trip is better than no trip, so there is no reason to not go when you have the chance.

30th of May – 1st of June
Flying up directly from Copenhagen puts my in Torshavn midday, giving me plenty of time of getting to know the ups and downs of the town before I the following day (Friday) plan to take a bus to Mykines island for birding. There is apparently a lot going on around the time I’m there so I am looking forward to it. The following day I might do something similar, or just relax and hanging about near Torshavn.

2nd of June
The main reason I’ve come here: Torshavn marathon. Yes. No, I don’t know what is wrong with me, either. I have been running regularly for years, now, and up to November last year I considered 13km as a long run. Then one day, close to finishing, I felt good so I continued, and before I knew it I had run near 22km. Not long after I ran comfortably 22-25km 3 times a week, so I realized I had to put that into good use. Hence – a marathon. It wasn’t until I had booked tickets and hotel it sunk in that this is only 2 weeks after the Copenhagen marathon – my first run of the kind. I might not be a clever man.

3rd of June
Flight home, hopefully not too sore.

I’m looking forward to this – primarily due to the wildlife watching I am planning to do, but also to find out how I’ll do with only 2 weeks since the last run. This is also not an as easy track as the one in Copenhagen; there it’s flat with wide turns, here it’s undulating and exposed. In any case it’ll be interesting!

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