Friday 5 April 2019

Back to the Baltic

It's been a while since I've done an extended weekend trip to somewhere in Europe to visit a new city and have a look around. Obviously I need to do something about that - while I do have a few city visits throughout the year (Berlin and New York) they aren't new destinations and the point of the trips aren't purely sightseeing but rather self-punishment (or marathons - potato, potato). So looking around the options start narrowing down, but there are still options.

Also, I want to avoid a few of my frequent flier miles to expire so I have to spend them on... something. The solution seems obvious.

15th – 18th of April
Flying out, via Stockholm, to Vilnius, Lithuania. Spending a few days during the Easter week in this city I am expecting to be fairly relaxing. There won't be any running or training, but considering the walking I usually do I don't see it being a problem. Flight is direct back to Copenhagen, no layovers.

And so another few days will be spent on the joys of travelling.

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