Saturday 28 September 2013

27th – 28th - Base camp – Marrakech – Copenhagen

The last day in Morocco we quickly left the camp in the morning to descend 1400 meters down into Imlil. It was a nice gentle ascent with nothing really going on. We met a couple of tourists coming up – some of them looked particularly fancy dressed as if they were on a way to a ball – and the usual number of locals living off the tourists passing by, but otherwise it was a nice relaxing walk.

Back in Imlil we had lunch at the guest house we stayed at previously before we took the bus to Marrakech. Here we arrived in the afternoon where we were checked into a hotel near the centre of the city. We had a couple of hours by ourselves in the city which were spent on roaming the market. A big mix of stalls, animals and ordered chaos was interesting at first but after a while got very exhausting. Going back to the hotel we found that there was a large stork population in the city, with nests just across from our seats on the hotel’s roof.

We met up at a restaurant where we had a view of part of the market before we managed to find a place for tourists (i.e. one of the very few places serving beer; on a roof, away from the eyes of the regular locals).

After an early breakfast the next morning we took the bus to the airport where we took a flight home. No worries, and no one lost their luggage (I am looking at you, Turkish Airlines *shaking fist*).

This concludes my vacations of 2013. But don’t worry – plenty are still to come. I have a few plans that might soon appear here.

Sunrise in base camp.

Storks in Marrakesh.

Marrakesh seen from above.

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