Monday 9 September 2013

9th - Bran and the Bucegi Mountains

Most important topic first; when meeting in the morning we found out that the hospital visit had resulted in a cast – the wrist had been broken in the fall. Woops.

After breakfast we went down to the market again to pick up lunch before heading for the bus which transferred us to Bran where we would be spending the next two nights. Arriving in Bran we offloaded our luggage, the injured and who else needed a break from yesterday. From here we drove a short distance to get to the trail.

From here we started ascending on the first part of the day’s trek. Like yesterday we were walking through the dense forest, but this only lasted the first couple of hours before we came out and into the open. Almost from the beginning we had been approached by three stray dogs that ended up escorting us all the way up – at that point one of them disappeared but the two others followed us all the way back down again.

Coming out from the trees at around midday and still ascending we had a great view of the surrounding hills and areas. Hills covered in forests, with rocks sticking out here and there.

Coming towards the highest point of today’s walk we met a couple of herders with their large groups of sheep and their sheep dogs. Some interaction was had between the sheep dogs and “our” dogs, but it was obvious that the sheep dogs didn't really give a damn while “our” dogs made sure that no one would hurt us. It was quite fun to watch.

Coming back down again we were picked up by the bus, the dogs disappeared and we returned to the lodge.

Some steep passages now and then.

Out of the forest, ascending.

One of the strays.

A sheep herder.

On the way down again.

Small break.

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