Sunday 15 September 2013

14th-15th - Viscri, Brasov and home

In the morning we were up early for breakfast before three horse carriages came to pick us up to give us a ride through the village and show us some of the local industry.

First stop was an elderly couple who show us how they make charcoal. A lengthy process and not something I would ever want to try. Wood gets piled up and covered in dirt, the wood gets set on fire and then the heat has to be kept for 14 days. The charcoal is sold to people who bring it to Brasov and other places. Apparently they are renowned for the very high quality.

Next stop on the drive around was at the village’s fortified church. It was basically an old, relatively simple, church surrounded by a bulwark with rooms where people could live if necessary. We were able to climb up the tower of the church from where we had a relatively unhindered view of the surrounding area.

Last stop was a brick maker where we were introduced to the traditional – and still used – method of making bricks from digging out the clay, shaping it, drying and burning it. It was quite interesting and as they apparently are the only ones who supply the village with bricks they always had something to do. As opposed to the charcoal makers they only make bricks for the village, but as they are the only ones doing so they are always busy.

After some free time and lunch we were back on the bus and left for Brasov. When we arrived we got on a train to Bucharest where we said our goodbyes and found the hotels we had reservations at. My roommate and I decided to stay roommates one more night so we left for the hotel I had a reservation at, managed to upgrade to a twin bed room, had a quick dinner and relaxed in their bar. Nice and comfortable.

After getting up early I had a short walk near the hotel before we were picked up by our shuttle at the hotel to go to the airport.

The home flight went fine and all I could do now was to prepare for the trip to Morocco in one week.

The fortified church from a distance.

The pile of wood isn't even close to finished. In the end it'll be app. double the height.

Viscri from above.

The brick maker.

The oven. It was app. 2x3 meters, and the bricks are piled more than 2 meters high before being baked.

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