Monday 23 September 2013

23rd - Tacheddirt – Matate

Departing the guest house in the morning our path brought us through the entire length of the village before exiting and getting out in the open barren environment again. We followed a small gravel path along the mountain sides with a slight descent which brought us through a couple of smaller villages in around 1600m.

Walking the path from one point to another here we are mostly by ourselves. When we meet others it is usually porters (i.e. mulers), other tourist groups or goat herders.

From here we started ascending again, bringing us up to the pass Tizi n'Aguersioual where we could look back at where we had come from, and ahead of us look down into the Imlil Valley where we were going (and further away around a corner where we had started the trek) and the plateau further ahead where we would be concluding the day’s walk.

From the pass we descended (again) into the valley where our guides brought us down to a riverbed which during spring would be filled with water but now only had a slight trickle. Here we had lunch and we were told that if we took the road the opposite direction of what we were supposed to we would end up in Imlil after a handful of kilometres. Basically our starting point was fairly close to Toubkal, but we would be circling around in a spiral movement, slowly closing in on the mountain throughout the trek.

After lunch we continued on our way, and the plateau we could see from the pass was now the last goal of the day – app. 800m above us. The ascent was gentle, though, so we didn’t have to worry about having to face an unbearable steep trek. The first part we mainly followed a road upwards, giving us a nice view of the alley as we ascended. At this altitude there ware trees and other green areas as on the first day, but it wasn’t long before we reached the tree line and came back up in the barren areas. Here we left the road and took a more or less obvious path further up before we reached our camping ground. Just a handful of meters above us, at 2200m, the pass Tizi Oudite could be seen, the first point of the walk tomorrow.

We had a great view of the valley and could watch the clouds roll into it, below us so we weren’t affected. And it was fun being able to look across the valley seeing Tizi n'Aguersioual where we were in the morning, looking at this exact spot.

Narrow streets in Tacheddirt (and all other villages).

Looking down into the first valley of the day.

Bottom of the valley in the middle of dried out riverbed (if the "dried out" part wasn't obvious by looking at the photo).

The view from Tizi n'Aguersioual.

Right after where we had lunch this sign was spotted.

The view from our camp, seeing the clouds rolling in below us.

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