Friday 13 September 2013

13th - Viscri

Early morning rise at the lodge before breakfast and walk down back to the bus. The bus didn’t pick us up where we had been left so this time we had to go down to the end by ourselves. Not too bad though, it was all just gravel road and the weather had improved since yesterday.

We ended up at Sambata Monastery where we had an hour to walk around and have a look. From here we took the bus to Viscri, a Saxon settlement. It is now a small village on the UNESCO heritage list with most of the original buildings still preserved. The owner of the place owned a few houses spread out in the village, so when they handed us our room keys we were split up into different houses.

In the evening we were treated with a traditional Romanian dinner with accompanying local spirits it turned into quite a fun evening.

Small waterfall spotted on the way down.


We saw this small thing wandering around at the monastery.

One of the many old houses in Viscri.

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