Thursday 12 September 2013

12th - Moldoveanu/Sambetei

Today’s goal was to reach the tallest point of Romania, a path that would lead us from the lodge, up into a saddle and across 4 small summits before reaching the top, Moldoveanu peak, at 2544m. Unfortunately the weather hadn’t improved much since yesterday, so the clouds were covering the saddle, effectively preventing us from seeing where we would be going.

Almost half the group stayed back in the lodge while we made the attempt to get to the summit. It didn’t rain but the lack of sun meant that the ground was in areas moist and slippery. But up we went, and the further up towards the saddle we came the more rocky it got, so the moisture became less of a problem.

Standing in the saddle we realized that the weather wasn’t with us today. Visibility was less than 50m with light rain and high winds. But we wanted to see how far it would be possible to go, so we continued on over the first small summit. The weather didn’t really change and it was generally pretty sully. A small trekker’s hut was placed after the summit which we quickly entered to try and wait until the weather improved before continuing on.

We ended up spending an hour or so in the hut before deciding that we might as well be heading down again because there was no indication that the weather would improve. Back over the first summit, down to the saddle and down from there went without problems – the descent when nearing the bottom wasn’t near as muddy as I had feared due to the rain so the walk down ended up being easier than expected. And you couldn’t really complain about that.

So no, the tallest point in Romania was not reached; the altitude of the top we passed was around 2100m so it wasn’t too bad. But this was the first trip I have been on where the summit was not achieved, but I am glad that it was on this and not on some of the taller mountains I have been climbing.

Looking upwards in the morning it looks promising.

Looking down from where we came.

Weather changed, though.

On the way down towards the saddle, this is where we came from.

Looking down towards where we were going.

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