Saturday 21 September 2013

21st - Departure to Morocco

We were to meet at Copenhagen airport at 0400 in the morning to catch a plane 2 hours later. As the university had their annual party the night before and I was hired as a photographer at the entrance for a couple of hours, everything would fit nicely with me spending the evening and night at the university, go home around 0200, pack the camera into the travel bags, grab the train and be at the airport on time. Some might argue that some sleep would probably be in order, but considering how bad I am at getting up in the morning I was not willing to take the chance when the departure was that early. And despite the public transportation wasn't very service minded (had to announce that I would show up a little later as it was either that or arrive 2 hours early) everything went better than expected – even though I did feel a bit tired as the day progressed.

The flight to Morocco was eventless and a couple of hours’ flight later we arrived safely in Marrakesh airport where we were picked up by our guide. From here we drove another couple of hours out of Marrakesh down south toward the Atlas Mountains and the village Imlil (I might have slept most of the way despite the condition of the roads…). Here we were to stay at a nice guest house the first night of the trip. We started off having lunch on the rooftop before taking a walk through the village. A nice and comfortable temperature, the town was fairly easy to navigate; one main road, a couple of small roads to the side and a lot of small paths and alleys going out to the sides every now and then. Nice place, very relaxed despite regular flow of cars that wanted to pass by on the narrow road and the occasional other tourist now and then.

Came back to the guest house for dinner, and soon after it was bedtime to get ready for departure the next morning. That sleep was greeted with open arms.

Standing on the roof of the guest house looking down towards Imlil.

Looking up at a small grouping of buildings outside Imlil.

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