Tuesday 10 September 2013

10th - Piatra Craiulu National Park

Today was a relatively easy day compared to the recent walks. We still did quite an ascent and descent, but the distance was less than the past couple of days. And everyone joined in today. As usual we got a ride with the bus for a short while where we were unloaded at the start of the trek. Today the weather wasn’t too positive; it felt cooler than before and the clouds didn’t seem to want to let go.

The day started with quite a walk up through a gorge with steep cliffs on each side, covered in trees looking like they were holding on for their dear life (they probably were). It was oddly silent, the winds didn’t come down in the bottom where we were and all you could hear was each other at the other groups.

We soon ended up at a path going up through the forest, where we could look forward to a short steep, slightly slippery, path until it flattened and we found ourselves in an almost mystical forest with mist hanging quietly between the trees. The stories about Transylvania and its monsters felt just a bit more real in these surroundings.

We came out in the open, pastures surrounded by the forests and low-hanging clouds. Apparently during the winter it is a skiing resort and it was easy to see the slopes going cutting through the forest. The sun slowly managed to cut through some of the mist and clouds, and at the same time we arrived at a cabin which sold food and drinks.

Here we had our lunch before we would continue to the lookout point which would be the final goal for the day. As we would come back to the cabin after being at the lookout point half of the group stayed behind while the other half continued upwards. After a short ascent we were at the first point, and we saw exactly what we had expected; absolutely nothing. A white wall. Because of this we decided it wouldn’t be worth trying to get to the next point as the visibility would probably be just as poor.

Went back down to the cabin, had a short rest (other than lunch they had cake, too!) and returned to the bus which took us back to the lodge.

The day’s walk was through Piatra Craiulu National Park which is famous for its wildlife; 1,5% of the European surface, and 1/3 of Europe’s large carnivores; estimates go for app. 6000 bears, 3000 wolves and 2000 lynx. Didn’t see any of them, though, but back in the lodge we saw a documentary about the bears and wolves and their interaction with the people in their habitats. But no personal encounter, unfortunately/fortunately (depending on preference).

On the way up through the gorge.

Opening up a little.

The mist seeping through the forest.

The beautiful view at the lookout point.

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